In The Big Field Hutch and his friends play baseball and there in
a special little league that they go and play big baseball championships and Cody is one of
Hutches friends that play with him. They have a kid named Darryl on their team
and he thinks he’s the best one on the team and the funniest but no one thinks
he is and he always tries to fight with other people. The story is written in Mike Lupica’s point
of view from this perspective, a lot of events and characters are described in
a way that creates physical emotion and emotional the reader about Hutch
and Darryl when they fight at practice and Hutch gets suspended from one game
by coach Cullen. One way that Mike Lupica point of view influences the reader's
interpretation is how this perspective shows how Hutch and Darryl get in a
fight and how Hutch becomes the team captain as he makes the play of the game
for his team to win. Mike also influences me is what Darryl thinks of Hutch or
if the team likes Darryl because Darryl doesn’t really like Hutch who is the
team captain. I think Hutch is nice and he has good sportsmanship and he helps
people in practice. I think of Darryl as a mean kid because he fights with
Hutch and the coach like when Hutch got suspended Darryl was talking bad about
how he plays baseball However, the reader would feel a lot differently about
Darryl if the novel was written in the point of view of Hutch’s dad. For instance the reader wouldn't
think that Darryl is mean because Hutch’s dad never goes to his practices so he
doesn’t know how Darryl acts. As you can see, the point of view of a story
forces the reader to see just one side of an event or topic. In The Big Field the
narrator's perspective makes the reader feel good about Hutch and Cody but bad
about Darryl.